Massage of Water & About The Reason
Why Seabirds Can Not Sing
■ 2006 - 2011 ■
■ Please, click on the image bellow to view. ■
■ Water Contains Mistakes We Have Made for Several Centuries,Neon, Water, Bowls, Daejeon Museum of Art, 2011
■ Water Contains Mistakes We Have Made for Several Centuries, Neon, Water, Bowls, Daejeon Museum of Art, 2011

■ Message of Water 2008-Osaka, Wood Box, Fluorescent lights, Flex- Acryl Stuff with a Sentence, Flat Stones, Watering Cans, Water, Contemporary Art Space Osaka, Japan, 2008
■ Message of Water 2008-Osaka, Wood Box, Fluorescent lights, Flex- Acryl Stuff with a Sentence,
Flat Stones, Watering Cans, Water, Contemporary Art Space Osaka, Japan, 2008
■ Message of Water 2008-Osaka, Wood Box, Fluorescent lights, Flex- Acryl Stuff with a Sentence,
Flat Stones, Watering Cans, Water, Contemporary Art Space Osaka, Japan, 2008
■ Message of Water 2007a-Budapest, Buckets, Water ,2B Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, 2007
■ Message of Water 2007b-Budapest, A Upside Down Sentence about Water on the Wall, Inky Water, Cup, 2B Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, 2007
■ About The Reason Why Seabirds Can Not Sing, Direction Sign for Water Usage Museum with the Main Subject of Three Water-Installations by Dongjo Yoo (at the p'Art Project by Hedmark Kunstbanken Art Centre of Norway), Water Usage Museum, Sollia, Norway, 2006
■ About The Reason Why Seabirds Can Not Sing 1(Message of Water 2006-Sollia),A Upside Down Sentence on the Outer Walls, Inky Water, Metal Bowls ,Water Usage Museum1, Sollia, Norway, 2006
■ About The Reason Why Seabirds Can Not Sing 1 (Message of Water 2006-Sollia), A Upside Down Sentence on the Outer Walls, Inky Water, Metal Bowls, Water, Usage Museum1, Sollia, Norway, 2006
■ About The Reason Why Seabirds Can Not Sing 2 (Message of Water 2006-Sollia), Fluorescent lights, Flex- Acryl Stuff with a Sentence, Flat Stones, Watering Cans, Water, Water Usage Museum3, Sollia, Norway, 2006
■ About The Reason Why Seabirds Can Not Sing 2 (Message of Water 2006-Sollia), Fluorescent lights, Flex- Acryl Stuff with a Sentence, Flat Stones, Watering Cans, Water, Water Usage Museum3, Sollia, Norway, 2006
■ Message of Water for Knut Hamsun, A Upside Down Sentence on the Outer Wall, Inky Water, Metal Bowls (The Sentence excerpted from the Novel " A Wanderer Plays on Muted Strings" written by Knut Hamsun <1859-1952, Norwegian Writer> in 1909 when he lived in this house.) House of Mr. and Mrs. Nordahl, Sollia, Norway 2006
■ Flow !, Painting on the Pier of Anyang Bridge (Anyang River Project), River Anyang, Anyang, 2004

■ Instalation View is like this in Daejeon Museum of Art, 2011

■ Article of About The Reason Why Seabirds Can Not Sing, p'Art Project 2006 by Hedmark Kunstbanken Art Centre, Norway