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What do we ponder in our hearts?



岩澤有徑、iwasawa arimichi


No.061210 180×180×10cm. (Left) No.050611 180×180×10cm.(Right)

L.E.D. acrylic acid resin  大分県日田市蔵


太陽の周りを回る惑星のなかで地球は、自身の公転軌道に対して23.26度傾いて自転しています。それは、皆様が見覚えのある地球儀の傾きなのです。私は、 線香花火が宇宙の進化を早送りで見せてくれると仮定して考えるのですが、 ぱちぱち火花が出たあとに、 次第に黒くなってゆく時間、それは、外は、黒いのですが、まだ中が赤くて熱い状態、これが現在の地球の姿です。 L.E.D.の一見ランダムな配列は、私が選出した作曲家の制作した楽譜を基に決定しています。人類の用いる頭脳とは、 文明を意味しているのです。さらに同時に 2つあるということも、人間だけが持てる知恵という個性を意味してるのです。 そしてこのプログラムは70秒ごとに、暗闇となります。私の中では、あくまでこれは、 平面絵画なのですが、 美術史上で完全に消えてなくなってしまう、そしてまた現れるという絵画は、支持体と描画について議論していた時代とは、また別の次元の作品を作り出します。


2010「OVER TONE Ⅱ」神奈川県民ホールで発表、右側とあわせて

2011 個展/ギャラリー現(東京)で発表しました。


Of the planets that revolve around the sun, the earth’s rotation axis is tilted 23.26 degrees. That can be seen in a household globe. A Japanese sparkler called “senkou hanabi” is held downward after being lit, with a small ball of fire created at the very bottom giving off sparks for about 10 seconds. In the ball of fire, I see the life of a star in fast-forward-motion. The red glowing ball darkens with time. When it turns black on the outside, it is still hot and red on the inside. That is the present status of our earth. At first glance the whole arrangement of LED may seem random, however the placement is determined by the musical notes of a composer of my choice. The human brain en masse represents civilizations. Two alignments of LED (look like two earths) are shown simultaneously, signifying the endowment allowed only to humans: our wisdom. This program turns dark every 70 seconds. In my mind,the imagery is flat painting. The picture totally vanishes fromart history, and when it reappears it creates art on a different plane from the age when the artists and critics discussed the “signifier” and “signified.” The first installation of this work (the one on the left) was at the exhibition titled “OVERTONE Ⅱ”at Kanagawa Prefectural Hall in 2010, and in June, 2011, two of them together were exhibited at a personal exhibition at Gallery Gen, Tokyo.





See youtube





岩澤有徑、iwasawa arimichi


No.010612 92×92×8cm. L.E.D. acrylic resin 2012





The sun’s rotation axis is tilted 7.25 degrees to the orbital plane of the planets. Its diameter is 109 times that of the earth. Is it a solid star or a liquid one? What is it made of? Many scientists have observed sunspots, and studied the imagery of the solar eclipse, diversifying the debate of the star. If I may compare the sun to a Japanese sparkler, the current sun is the firework a few seconds after being lit the flame has past the prime and is on the wane. The surface of the ball-like sparkler is made of gaseous flame flickering; inside is a red ball of liquid. The current status of the sun is just like that, I imagine. Just as the Japanese sparkler has the axis made of straw and can be held by the human hand, the sun must contain, at the center, a solid core with enormous gravity. Just like the black hole in a science fiction movie, it must have a tremendous quantity of mass and heat, which is great enough to keep the rotating planets in their places. Humans have always worshiped the sun since primeval time. Our life and health depends on its light and warmth, a precious light, which is beamed to us from 150 million kilometers away.


2016 ADORING CONTEMPORARY ART(Oita Prefectual Art Museum)▶ installation view 1 


岩澤有徑、iwasawa arimichi


No.030611 30x30x10cm. L.E.D. acrylic resin 2011

private collection





その後、 2012年、韓国のIgong Gallery においてHICA & UNEASINESS展に飛行機の映像と合わせて発表しました。

その後、再度点滅して点灯するように2つ目を制作し、 2013年、ギャラリーあしやシューレ/個展に出品しました。

岩澤有徑、iwasawa arimichi


No.050912-A 92x92x8cm. L.E.D. acrylic resin 2012

No.050912-B 92x92x8cm. L.E.D. acrylic resin 2012













Project Daejeon2012:Energy(企画:デジョン市立美術館/韓国) 会場風景



UNEASINESS 15(Gyo Dong ART Museum/Korea)

installation view

ギャラリー現(東京)2016 会場風景



Seene de Ballet CH100 Charles Auguste de Bariot 1802-1870 ベルギー